Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Challenge

Apparently, the deal is I have to come up with five things that people don't know about me. I must talk about myself too much because this was difficult. Anyway, in no particular order, here goes.

1. I cry at almost every sports movie based on a true story. (Rudy, Remember the Titans, Invincible, The Rookie... I could go on and on.) As long as they're based on a true story and don't star Kevin Costner it's pretty much a lock, bring on the water works.

2. I took second in State my senior year in the long jump with a flying leap of 22 feet 8 inches. That tied the school record, which has since been broken. I lost to a kid who was, and I'm not kidding, part frog.

3. Going along with #2 (hehe, he said #2), I could dunk a basketball two handed in high school. I used to be an athlete for crying out loud! I'll never again regain those kinds of hops but in an effort to get back to someone who somewhat resembles my chisled self I decided to run a marathon. So far I'm up to 22 miles a week.

4. In junior high I was playing around with a pencil pretending it was a skateboard. I leaped off a desk on the pencil and it went through the bottom of my shoe and out the top of my foot. I was the talk of the class for awhile. I had to have surgery to remove all the graphite and broken wood chips.

5. I met my wife and asked her to marry me eight days later. It's almost eight years now and I love her now more than ever. I also recently memorized the Gettysburg address. (That's a very famous speech given by President Lincoln during the Civil War for any of you internationals out there.)


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

You posted today, you big baby, "It's been on there for awhile"!!!

Now, were you making fun of McCookie earlier for scrapping and you cry at sports movies? Hmmm . . .

Funny you remember how many feet and inches you jumped, funny and sad, all at the same time.

Yes, we know you are out of shape now and you are going to run a marathon. Not a secret.=D

The pencil story is funny. Sorry, but it is. Is that a pencil in your foot or are you just happy to see me?

I still can't believe the love story, are you guys making that up??? And may I ask WHY you memorized the Gettysburg address? Was it so you could just say that you knew it?

Have you bought Jen a digital camera yet?

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Scary Sicari said...

I can't believe it... you would think a cousin would know that you proposed after knowing Jen only a week!!! Especially in our family! I thought Sean proposing after only 3 months was fast. You guys beat us, hands down!!!

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Donna said...

He memorized the Gettysburg address because he couldn't find a copy of that romance novel "Shanna" to memorize the first paragraph, like I did!

I knew a guy who found a paper sack in the trash at his house, blew into it to pop it and when he did, he found out a pencil was inside the bag. It went through his hand. Maybe you guys were separated at birth!

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Hey, Donna says she can't watch my video with her Mac, can you?

White and Nerdy probably isn't the best video to have on but it cracks me up!!!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Grrrrrrrrrr...I wish I could see it. I feel so powerless. I want to see the white and nerdy thing.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Janette said...

Eights days? WOW and I thought my hubby was fast after 4 months. We have been married now for 22 [and counting] blissful years! :)

Question did she say yes right away? Or did you have to ask her again? How long before you were married?

I have to agree with Kristi, that is funny about the pencil. OUCH for you and hehehehe for us!

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Why aren't you answering our questions on here, it is annoying me???

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Here I get the girls to come over for a party, and you and Jen ignore us, what kind of hosts are you guys?=D

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Scott said...

First of all, the secret was I could dunk not that I was running a marathon. Second, we are not making the story up. We really did decide to get married after eight days. There were a lot of bleeding hearts left at the station when the Scottie train left I'll tell you what.

And Janette, no, she did not say yes right away... she was too busy kissing me. It was our first kiss. Pretty crazy, huh?

I don't know where said video is. However, I have seen that video on my mac. My brother, also white and nerdy like myself, sent it to me.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Scott said...

We were married three months later BTW. I'd tell you the date but I can never remember.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

You guys are weird.=D I guess she had to see if you could kiss before she said "yes"!

The Scottie train! Ha-Ha! Choo-Choo.

The video is on my sidebar so you must not be able to see it either!!! ARRGH! My sister can see it!

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Lynette van Barrelo said...

I can see your video too Kristi!

Scott, you keep wowing us! And Jen, brave girl! after only 8 days too!

We used to judge how good a guy was for marriage after the fart test! LOL! Brad and I were 2 weeks in before he accidently let one squeak out! I forgave him for it though cos it was a squeaker and not a ripper. That showed some level of self control AND because he was a good kisser. hee hee!

At 6:25 AM, Blogger Jen said...

Scott is not kidding. There were some girls who were pretty dissappointed he was getting hitched so quickly.

It was a good thing he was a good kisser, cuz I don't know what I would have done! ;) What else was I suppose to do when he flashed that ring to me?! We had already decided we were getting married, he just had to propose properly and he did!

Oh and Scott remembers the date, but always teases that he doesn't remember.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Janette said...

Awe you two sound so cute. Funny eh... (yes I use eh I am Canadian)you just know when it's the right one? People were in shock when we got engaged so fast. They said it would never last. We now have 22 years under us and still VERY happy. Also two beautiful girls we are proud of. WHAT do people know?
(We even bought a house before we got engaged... we knew... we fell in love fast and hard.)

Love hearing stories like this! In this day of age people don't last more then a few years.

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Jen said...

That's so awesome Janette! Way to go! And you have so much fun together with all your trips! Saw your pics from your last one and their awesome.

Can't wait till it starts warming up again. I know I shouldn't complain since we are a ways south, but when it was so HOT and HUMID during the summer these cool temperatures feel like freezing temperatures.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Scott! i, um, figured out that I just have to click on your name to get to your blog...

I'm new!

I liked all your 5 new things, you are funny. You must have been part frog yourself to jump as far as you did! (oh, and as high)

ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh heh heh



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