Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Family Reunion

This is me sliding down a super slide with Taylor (my little girl). This was just one of the fun things there was to do at the latest Biggs family reunion. Things got a little crazy when Curtis, Jon and I started slapping each other on the back to see who could get the darkest hand imprint. Apparently, those pics are now posted all over the net. (We have Curtis to thank for that.) Hey, when you're this famous, the paparazzi is just something you have to deal with.


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Scott said...

This pics are from my oh-so-talented wife BTW. She's the BOMB.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, imagine my surprise I was reading my gal-pal Candace's blog...I saw a comment from BIGGS!!!!!! Then a faint memory forms, Candace, related Rhonda, who is related to Biggs? It's a bit fuzzy but, HI SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Just came over to see if Justin brought it back or if you had it all along. LOL.

I still don't get who's related to who?

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Jen said...

First of all, thanks for fueling my husband's blogging addiction. ( I, too, cannot bring myself to do the LOL thing, but I have laughed quite a bit here.) Second of all, Scott is Curt's cousin.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Hi Jen . . . I remember you guys from Junkitz, I am "It'sAllGood", Kendra McCracken's ornery friend.

Notice I didn't tell him he had sexy all along . . . I am happily married and figured if he was anything like McCookie he didn't need any ego stroking. Very cute though! Hee-hee!

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Kristi, believe me if anyone knows who has sexy it's Jen.

Pretty Polly! Good to hear from you, do you have a blog? (To the uninitiated, Polly and I went to the same High School. Go Vikes!!!)

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hey Kristi! I know who you are. I am kind of one of those secret blog stalkers. I'm more into observing than commenting.

You're good. Scott is a lot like Curt- always up to something. And as you can see from his previous response he's never short of hot air. Gotta love him, though.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Scott said...

You should check out her stuff at:

She's really good! (and hot!)

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Jen . . . you are a lurker?!?!?

Can you believe I just recently started my blog and now all of my internet friends started one. SERIOUSLY, all of them. It is addictive though. I have to get some pics of McCookie and Candice up soon. I will have to think of something clever. I saved their Britney and K-Fed pic from his old blog but it may be blurry if I put it on mine.

Come out of the closet . . . stop lurking=).

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

You are on my blog!=D


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