Thursday, November 09, 2006

Trick or Treat

I know it's a little late but here is a picture of our little trick or treaters. Do you get it? Lord Vader and the princess. (It wasn't really on purpose but it kind of fits.)

We took them to a trunk and treat at the church and they had a great time. I'm glad the ward did this since they wouldn't have gotten much candy from the two people who live on our block. That should change soon, though, houses are going up fast.


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Scary Sicari said...

Your house looks great and your kids are really cute. Congratulations again on the house!!!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Venzors said...

Scott, my kids were the exact same thing this year. Kaelei was a princess, the same dress as your daughter, and Enrique was Darth Vader. How funny!!


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