Saturday, January 13, 2007


On my mission in Ivory Coast I served in an area called Yamoussoukro. This city was full of lakes that were full of crocodiles. One evening when walking home I even tripped over one. It was not a well lit street that bordered one of the lakes. I didn't think anything of it until I heard the low pitch growl that they do and realized what it was. I swear it had to have been 20 ft long but in reality I'm sure it was not that big.

You can't really tell in this pic but this one really was about 15ft long.

Some of the rest of these are kind of blurry but you can see that they would come right up next to the sidewalk. My Mom really freaked out when I sent these pics home.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger Lynette van Barrelo said...

OMG! Why is that croc in the last pic so fat? Has it recently eaten a small animal or child? And why are there so many? Are they protected or hasn't anyone noticed that they are a danger to your health? Lucky for you though Scott that they don't move too quickly on land!!! Steve Irwin would have loved this...

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Scott said...

The one in the first pic was actually a lot fatter you just can't really get a good idea of his size without some sort of reference. In answer to your question they were protected. They never lack for food though either because there was no law against feeding them. I saw people throw live chickens in the mix and they never lasted long.

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Normally, you wouldn't see this many bunched together. This, however, was a spot well known for a bigger concentration of crocs. We used to walk by there all the time to have a look. It still amazes me. As we used to say, "Only in Cote D'Ivoire!"

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Lynette, I am sure crocs like to have fun too, they were just having a party. I want to know why on the bottom of the last pic. it says worlds happiest croc???

I didn't know they move slower on land, why is that?

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Scott said...

While it is true that they do move faster in the water, they are also fast on land over short distances. I've been told not to get too close in less you can run backwards faster than 25 miles an hour.

If you look closely at the last pic the one on top looks like she has an enormous smile on her face. Hence, the happiest croc. It's from an old scrap book.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Janette said...

Hi Scott,

Just checking this out b/c dear Lynette gave us the link to your site. Great pics by the way. Mind you I would not get that close to them. Well I have in Florida when there is fence between me and them.
I agree with Kristi I think they are having a party. :) Hi Kristi!

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Welcome to the party!

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Scott said...

We have an alligator park not far from here but I've never been that interested in going. Seriously, how could it compare to this?(!)

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Are there swings and slides at the alligator park?=)

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Is there oxygen on your planet?

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Well I live on the same planet as you so they answer would be yes to that question, thank you very kindly. This is where I stick out my tongue, see, I am very grown up for 35!

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Kristi Smith said...

Jen and you are the worst blog updaters ever!!!


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