Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Challenge

Apparently, the deal is I have to come up with five things that people don't know about me. I must talk about myself too much because this was difficult. Anyway, in no particular order, here goes.

1. I cry at almost every sports movie based on a true story. (Rudy, Remember the Titans, Invincible, The Rookie... I could go on and on.) As long as they're based on a true story and don't star Kevin Costner it's pretty much a lock, bring on the water works.

2. I took second in State my senior year in the long jump with a flying leap of 22 feet 8 inches. That tied the school record, which has since been broken. I lost to a kid who was, and I'm not kidding, part frog.

3. Going along with #2 (hehe, he said #2), I could dunk a basketball two handed in high school. I used to be an athlete for crying out loud! I'll never again regain those kinds of hops but in an effort to get back to someone who somewhat resembles my chisled self I decided to run a marathon. So far I'm up to 22 miles a week.

4. In junior high I was playing around with a pencil pretending it was a skateboard. I leaped off a desk on the pencil and it went through the bottom of my shoe and out the top of my foot. I was the talk of the class for awhile. I had to have surgery to remove all the graphite and broken wood chips.

5. I met my wife and asked her to marry me eight days later. It's almost eight years now and I love her now more than ever. I also recently memorized the Gettysburg address. (That's a very famous speech given by President Lincoln during the Civil War for any of you internationals out there.)