Saturday, December 16, 2006

Musclemag Cover

Jen and I shot this cover a while ago and with some of the other pics floating around I thought I'd better set the record strait. I don't exactly look like this now but I'll bounce back!

My new year's resolution involves training for and completing a marathon. At least one of my brother's in law will run it with me and who knows what other family members I may talk into this. My main goal is to get back into shape, well, that is to say rearrange my shape and return to the glory days!

(I told you Jen was HOT!!)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Family Reunion

This is me sliding down a super slide with Taylor (my little girl). This was just one of the fun things there was to do at the latest Biggs family reunion. Things got a little crazy when Curtis, Jon and I started slapping each other on the back to see who could get the darkest hand imprint. Apparently, those pics are now posted all over the net. (We have Curtis to thank for that.) Hey, when you're this famous, the paparazzi is just something you have to deal with.