Sunday, November 26, 2006

Merry Christmas

Jon, TK and crew came to our house for Thanksgiving and we had a great time. On Saterday, we had lunch on the boardwalk and did a little shopping. While we were there we saw a parade and guess who the grand marshall was... the big man himself! Ethan, Taylor and Braydon all sat on his lap and put in their "order" for Christmas (as Ethan calls it). It was a fun day for everybody.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Taylor did this at pre-school. So, from her and us: Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! We sure are grateful for our friends and family.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Trick or Treat

I know it's a little late but here is a picture of our little trick or treaters. Do you get it? Lord Vader and the princess. (It wasn't really on purpose but it kind of fits.)

We took them to a trunk and treat at the church and they had a great time. I'm glad the ward did this since they wouldn't have gotten much candy from the two people who live on our block. That should change soon, though, houses are going up fast.

Moved In!

We've finally got things "mostly" situated and feel like this is our home as well as our house.