Monday, March 20, 2006


A couple of weeks ago we went to a Wildcats hockey game. They're a semi-pro team here in Wichita Falls. They lost the game but it was a great time anyway, we had seats right up against the glass. We were close enough to see what remaining teeth these guys had when they would get slammed up against the glass right in front of us. The kids loved it. Ethan now wants to be a hockey player when he grows up. We'll add that to the already growing list of Pilot (I wonder where he got that one), dinosaur finder, race car driver and handyman. (He was very impressed when the maintenance tech came over to fix our door.)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Crazy Kids

Ethan and Taylor have been keeping us very busy lately. We've finally had some rain here and it hasn't rained in months and they've been going crazy not being able to go outside. Ethan emptied an entire tube of toothpaste into our sink and I, being a little peeved, asked him why he just said rather nonchalantly, "It's OK Dad it was only the little tube, you still have the big one left." I didn't really know what to say but at least I could still brush my teeth. He said that he wants to do good things all the time but his brain tells him to do bad things sometimes and he's going to try to stop listening to his brain. I think that's good advice for us all. In the words of Homer Simpson, "Shut-up brain or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

As for Taylor, she got into Jen's lipstick recently and put forth her first attempt at applying her own make-up. Jen discovered first hand that make-up that lasts all day without washing off isn't necessarily a good thing. She tried everything but sandblasting but eventually got it all off.