Sunday, January 22, 2006


For Thanksgiving this year we got together with 4 or 5 other families and had a big dinner at the church. Everybody brought stuff and it was great. Afterwords, the kids played games and the adults all sat around and made with the chit-chat. Jon and TK were able to come down from Norman, OK and we had a good visit. Unfortunately, TK was still in the sick part of her pregnancy and I think more thanksgiving came out of her that day than went in. It's been fun living so close to those guys (2 hours). We've been able to see a lot of them.

The big 3-0

This was it, the big 3-0. It was a good time and, as you can see, things got a little crazy with the silly string. Jen let me go golfing that day in a Stake golf tournement and my team took second. I hit the farthest drive of my life that day, 345 yards. Granted, it was slightly down hill with the wind at my back but it still counts.

This is Ethan and Taylor at Halloween. They had a great time. As Ethan was walking up a sidewalk he saw a kid dressed up as Darth Vader. He got really excited and said, "Hey, we're supposed to fight with light sabors!" It appeared he put the fear of Obi Wan into him because young Vader didn't want anything to do with it but all the parents had a good laugh. Taylor got more than her fair share of candy with as cute as she looked.

Tweet vs Talon

Here's a look at the T-37, the plane I started on back in June. The reason it's called the tweet because the engines have a really high pitched squeel, it's also nicknamed the flying dog wistle for the same reason. The one on the bottom is the T-38, the plane I'm flying now. It's 44 ft long with a 25 ft wingspan and it's a blast to fly. Actually, both are really fun but the 38 is so much faster it's insane. It's a different view of the world upside down hanging by shoulder straps at 500 knots (570 mph). It beats having a real job.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Taylor wishing she could participate in Ethan's soccer practice

Ethan at soccer practice

This is us at my squadron Christmas party. The kids had a great time, they pretended to fly Santa in on a T-38 (the plane you see in the back ground)