Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Family

We're all unpacked and getting to know the Shreveport area. Ethan's first day of school, and Taylor's first day of pre-school, have come and gone. I'll post the pics later. They're both doing very well and they're the cutest kids anyone could ever ask for. I start the B-52 course on 3 Oct. Until then, my workload is relatively light and I've been able to spend a lot of time with my family and it's been great! Even after I start, though, the hours won't be anything like pilot training. Thank goodness! This picture was taken at a recent ward activity; I can't believe how fast the kids are growing up. The other day I said to Taylor, "Boy you're a big girl!" She just said, "Yep, I'm huge. I'm huger than Texas!" The girl's got confidence. What a great family I have. Words will not express how much they mean to me. I love my sweet wife and fantastic kids.


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